1. Address Book version 1.0 is distributed on the internet, as a Stuffit archive (notice the suffix ".sit") or BinHex (.hqx). You will need a utility such as Stuffit Expander‚Ñ¢ to unstuff it. Just drag the ADDRBK4.SIT icon onto the Stuffit Expander‚Ñ¢ icon, and it will be unstuffed for you.
2. Once the archive has been extracted, double click on the new Address Book folder to open it.
3. Double-click on the Address Book icon to start the application. A dialog box will open; it will ask you if you wish to find an existing preferences file, or create a new one. Click "No" to create a new "AdBk prefs" file in this folder.
4. A second dialog box will then appear, asking you to either find an existing Address List you wish to use, or create a new one. If you click "Yes" to search for a list, another dialog box will open; find and select the Sample list and open it. If you click "No" Address Book will create a new list, allow you to select a folder to save it to, and open an edit window to allow you to begin entering records.
Users of Previous Versions:
Please remove the old application. Otherwise, if you double-click on a list to open it, or open Address Book from the Apple Menu, you may still end up using the old version of the application.
Replace the AdBk Help file: there have been many changes. Keep your existing AdBk prefs file.
For Address Book version 1 and 2 users
Address Book version 4.0 will open old versions 1 or 2 of the original Address Book list file and convert it to the new format. Address Book uses the same format as version 3 of the original Address Book, which has a new record format and the fields hold more characters than earlier versions did: the record size has increased from 440 bytes to 614 bytes. Therefore, because the list is memory resident, Address Book now requires more memory to run. In addition, the application is larger, requiring even more memory. Address Book's Preferred memory size is now 800k; if you have a 1 meg Mac, you may want to add memory, especially if you use Multifinder or MacOS 7 or greater.
CAUTION: once you have opened and saved the list with version 3, don't try to open it again with version 1 or 2; the data format has changed, and your list could be corrupted.
It is recommended that you make backup copies of old files before using new program.